They never last as long as they should.
Here's a salute in memorium of 9/11.
I had a great weekend! I was privileged to meet with the wonderful ladies of the Knoxville Area Romance Readers on Saturday, and we had a great time talking books & romance. If you're interested in joining them, contact Christy Haynes at She'd be happy to talk books with you.
If you're interested in attending the Meet the Authors/Readers Appreciation Dinner at the Meadowview in Kingsport, TN on October 21st, you need to send in your registration. I spoke with Sharon Robinson, the coordinator, and slots are going fast. More info and registration forms can be found at Sally Painter is also attending and is very excited about the dinner and expo. She was chatting at Maejical Powers Saturday night, and everyone who attended had a great time, as well as some great excerpts.
This is my favorite weekend of the year. Why? Because pro football officially started today!! And well, aside from the excitement, the action, the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat (am I showing my age here?), there's all those really buff guys in tight uniforms. YUM! My favorite team? The Indianapolis Colts. Peyton Manning is awesome, and a real hero. Then, there's Edge & Harrison & Stokely. 'Nuff said.
I got a new puppy this weekend! He's soooo cute. He's a Shih Tzu, white with black markings and a black mask. I hope to be able to upload some pics to my website later this week. I've got to work on my photography skills. ;)