Happy New Year!
I took a small vacation during the craziness that is the holidays, but I'm back and ready to work!
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and that 2006 is a healthy and prosperous year for everyone.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the Dungy family and their tragic loss. I hope they can find some measure of peace.
Well, the vacation stalled my writing. I had hoped to finish Lord Night by Christmas, but now it looks like another two weeks. I plan to have it submitted by February 1st. I've posted a small snippet on my web page to whet your appetite.
Then, I have a few other projects in the works: a companion piece to Spellbound, a short story I envisioned when the call came out for the Shivers line at Phaze, although it's morphed into something quite different, and enough ideas to keep me writing steadily through the year.
Please be sure to visit Literary Nymphs as they are featuring Phaze on their website. As part of the feature, you can vote for your favorite Phaze author. If you get a chance, please go by and vote. (even if it isn't for me) The link is http://www.geocities.com/literarynymphs/featured_publisher_Jan_06
Go Colts!