I'm very pleased and excited to announce that my Surge submission, Sensual Energy, was accepted by Phaze!
Here's a teaser:
His aura darkened, like a blush. “Sorry, I can’t answer that. Classified.” Holding out his hand, he smiled, took a step closer, and offered to help her stand. Their fingers barely touched, but the light contact sent sparks flying, and the shock sent erogenous heat radiating through her charged system and igniting her libido.
“Did you feel that?”
Hoping he hadn’t felt the same jolt of lust that still hummed in her veins, she answered with the obvious. “You mean that static electricity?”
“Not static electricity. Sensual electricity. I got the first shock, and it must have taken on the characteristics of my nervous system which was pretty revved from watching you straddle me.”
Sensual electricity. That was the perfect description—a high intensity aphrodisiac shock. And addictive. She already felt the need to touch him again, and before she could stop herself, took a step forward and wrapped her arms around him as if some kind of magnetic force pulled them together. A sudden burst of red and blue energy engulfed them. The arcs coalesced into a purple haze, enveloping them in the heat of a cocoon.
Eight manuscripts were selected for the Surge line, and I'm sure excerpts will start showing up today on the Phaze Forum. Be sure to stop by and check them out at www.phaze.com/forum.