Monday, March 27, 2006

Extra, Extra, Read all about it!

Here is a link to join my newsletter group. It's announcement only, which means the only e-mail you'll get from the group is the newsletter.

I'll be giving away prizes with each edition to subscribers.

If you don't want to subscribe, my newsletter will be posted on my website,, about a week or so after it goes to print on my group.

I expect my first edition to be available around April 20, 2006.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Feeling the Surge

I'm very pleased and excited to announce that my Surge submission, Sensual Energy, was accepted by Phaze!

Here's a teaser:

His aura darkened, like a blush. “Sorry, I can’t answer that. Classified.” Holding out his hand, he smiled, took a step closer, and offered to help her stand. Their fingers barely touched, but the light contact sent sparks flying, and the shock sent erogenous heat radiating through her charged system and igniting her libido.
“Did you feel that?”
Hoping he hadn’t felt the same jolt of lust that still hummed in her veins, she answered with the obvious. “You mean that static electricity?”
“Not static electricity. Sensual electricity. I got the first shock, and it must have taken on the characteristics of my nervous system which was pretty revved from watching you straddle me.”
Sensual electricity. That was the perfect description—a high intensity aphrodisiac shock. And addictive. She already felt the need to touch him again, and before she could stop herself, took a step forward and wrapped her arms around him as if some kind of magnetic force pulled them together. A sudden burst of red and blue energy engulfed them. The arcs coalesced into a purple haze, enveloping them in the heat of a cocoon.

Eight manuscripts were selected for the Surge line, and I'm sure excerpts will start showing up today on the Phaze Forum. Be sure to stop by and check them out at


Monday, March 20, 2006


It's the first day of Spring and Old Man Winter decided to shut the door in her face and refuse her entrance. Here in East Tennessee, a steady rain has fallen all day, and we may even experience some light flurries. The last time we had weather like this in late March/early April, it turned into a blizzard. Well, as the old saying goes, you can't do anything about the weather. And I refuse to complain. If nothing else, all the cold rain should lessen the pollen in the air, and I'll quit sneezing for a little while.

I'm still trying to decide which project to tackle, working in very short spurts on all of them to see if any story will reach out, grab me, and take off.

So far, that hasn't happened. I guess I'll keep plucking away at them and try to find my muse.


Monday, March 13, 2006

Monday, Monday

Good Monday Morning! I hope everyone had a great weekend. I gave a workshop at my local RWA meeting Saturday morning, slouched around Sunday, and am ready to start a new week-- and a new project.

Ah, herein lies the problem. Which new project do I start (or return to)? I have the second book in the Lord Night series mapped out, I have an idea for a companion piece to Spellbound, I have a few pages on a non-erotica sci-fantasy for Kensington, and about 70 pages of a romantic suspense. Too many stories, not enough time. Priorities must be established.

But, not until I have my second cup of coffee.


Friday, March 10, 2006

Surged Out

Whew! I made it just under the wire after chucking my first attempt and starting over. The title of my submission is Sensual Energy. It's about Amy & Jake who, through an accident with a defibrillator, get pulled into an alternate dimension and find themselves "charged" with sensual energy. To get back to their own dimension, they must discharge all the energy, and the only way to discharge it is to have sex. Definite sparks fly (literally) in this story.

I understand that Phaze had quite a few submissions, and I wish everyone who submitted luck.


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Scavenger Hunt

To celebrate the March 14th release of Her Passion, Denise McDonald is having a savenger hunt. The winner, whose name will be drawn out of all the correct scavenger hunt answers and announced on Monday, March 13th, the day before the release, will win one free copy of Her Passion. Visit her blog at to find out how to win.

I'm still writing on my Surge and hoping like heck to get it finished by the deadline. More on that later.


Thursday, March 02, 2006

Surging Again

Never one to give up, I've started another submission for the Surge promotion at I've only managed to write about 1000 words so far, but hey, I have 7-8 more days.
