Friday, September 29, 2006

Reese's Pieces for Breakfast

Washed down with cinnamon hazelnut coffee. It's a great morning. Football season means blue jeans and team gear (today the gray UT hoody). So, I'm comfortable, reading e-mails from my boss reminding me of things to get done today, because he's playing golf, which means I might actually get it done. Nah, who am I kidding. I'll get some of it done, but another round of Avon Fanlit starts this afternoon, and I'll be glued to that, along with a few other projects.

If you haven't heard of Avon Fanlit, it's an online writing competition. The premise was voted on, and then people were invited to submit a chapter on the premise. (London, 1815 won out.) The first round had 513 submissions. Then it was narrowed down to the top ten through the ranking process, and the second round was a continuation of the winning chapter. The second round had 299 submissions, and the top ten are being ranked as I type. The winner will be announced at noon, and then the third round begins. They also have some great prizes.

Well, I'm off to do some "real job" stuff now.

Oh, before I go, I just wanted to thank everyone! Sensual Energy is in Phaze's Top Ten for paranormal!! I'm so excited!! If you'd like a coupon for 10% off Sensual Energy or Spellbound (my latest release) at Fictionwise, just e-mail me at with "coupon - title(s)" in the subject line, and I'll send it to you!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Friday, Football, and Random Thoughts

Happy Friday, Everyone! It's drizzling rain and cool here, a perfect fall morning. I'm really looking forward to the fall colors and getting out to see them on the motorcycle.

Wow, so much has happened this summer with the wedding, the day job, the writing, and life in general. I'm looking forward to a little slow down and some time to watch lots of football. I know, you probably didn't figure me for a football fan, but I love it. And maybe this week I'll get to see the whole Colts game. Not that I don't like Buffalo, but hey I was watching the Colts and didn't appreciate being flipped in the middle of the game.

I've also been able to get a little reading in. I just finished Lover Awakened by J.R. Ward, and it was fantabulous!!! I've also picked up some Samhain titles which were great (the wedding dress series, the dragon series by Bianca D'Arc, and a few others), and I'm reading Cold Chill by Sandra Brown now. I'll be getting Christine Feehan's Dark Celebration and JD Robb's Born in Death when it's released in November.

Meanwhile, I'm still writing. I'm working on a companion piece to Spellbound and a sequel to Sensual Energy. If you haven't read either of these stories, they are available at Phaze and Fictionwise. If you e-mail me at, I'll send you a coupon for 10% off at Fictionwise. I'm also in the very early stages of writing a sequal to Lord Night.

Voting is still going on for The Key, my free on-line interactive story at Please go by and vote.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!


Friday, September 01, 2006

Breaking News

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Spellbound will be available September 3rd!

I'm excited to announce that Spellbound will be available September 3rd, and Sensual Energy is now available and discounted on Fictionwise!

To celebrate, I'm having a contest for a Spellbound prize pack!  The prize pack contains a journal, a hand-made book thong, candles, and various and sundry goodies.  To enter, send the answers to the following questions to me at before September 30th.  The answers can be found either on my website, on my Myspace page, the Phaze MySpace page, or within the pages of Spellbound.

1.  What book released with Spellbound?
2.  Who left the first comment on Phaze's MySpace page?
3.  Who are the hero and heroine of The Key, my free online read?
4.  What do I look for any excuse to get out of doing?
5.  What important piece of information is contained within the journal?

Lord Night has received some awesome reviews!

Euro Reviews gave Lord Night 4.5 Flags "...fantastic alternate-dimension story..."

Just Erotic Romance Reviews  gave Lord Night 4 stars "...quite intriguing and elaborately detailed..."

Coffee Time Romance gave Lord Night 4.5 cups! "...What an erotically inflaming story this is..."

I hope everyone has a fantastic, safe & fun Labor Day Weekend!
