Tuesday, November 29, 2005

It's Time for Coffee

Coffee Time Romance.

That's where I'll be tonight from 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. with fellow Phaze authors, Alessia Brio, Selah March, Leigh Ellwood, and M. Barnette.

Join us for the chat and be eligible for some great giveaways! http://www.coffeetimeromance.com/Chat.html


Monday, November 21, 2005

What happens at The Pink Banana

Stays at The Pink Banana.

Ha! Thought you were going to get all the juicy tidbits about the booksigning, did ya? Well, I've never been one to kiss and tell, but I can say that we had a great time and nobody went to jail.

No, really, nobody went to jail.

The Phaze authors who attended were absolutely wonderful ladies, and we had a blast with the very friendly staff of The Pink Banana (pun intended), and the myriad of customers who visited with us during the day. It was a very educational experience....

You may be hearing rumors about, oh all sorts of things, and I emphatically deny all of them now. (I'm really very shy and retiring, a true southern belle who swoons at the least little impropriety.)


Monday, November 14, 2005

Around the Corner

Can you believe it, Phaze's booksigning & minicon is this Saturday at The Pink Banana in Virginia Beach, VA. A total of 8 authors will be there from noon to 6:00 to sign books. I've had the pleasure of reading these ladies' works, and they are awesome! And remember, books make great Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers to help heat up those cold nights. Plus, part of the proceeds from the sales will go to breast cancer research. If you're in the area, please stop in and say hello.

I have a question for the readers: Do really long sentences pull you out of a story? I'm asking because I just wrote one, 45 words. It's about 5 manuscript lines. Usually, I try to break them up into two or more sentences, but I can't seem to be able to here. To my eyes, it flows well and really conveys the mood of the scene. Of course, I have been known to be partial to my own words. ;)

So, tell me what you think when you run across these long sentences in your reading.


Monday, November 07, 2005

My muse

Has been humoring me.

I'm not a fast writer. Part of the problem is being able to write like the way I wrote before I knew how to write. That pesky free-writing problem I mentioned earlier. Another part of it is that I'm anal-retentive. If I can't think of the word I want right away, I simply cannot continue until I find the exact one. I trudge, and it isn't pretty.

But, this weekend, my fickle muse decided to grace me with her presence for more than five words. Of course, it's not been on the story I want to submit next. Oh, no. It's been on my romantic suspense. Now, I have gotten some work done on LN, but not near enough to be able to submit before the end of the year. Do you hear that, Muse? Lord Night. I want to finish the changes in Lord Night.

I'll be chatting at Phaze tonight. It takes place at 9:00 p.m. est. Go to www.phaze.com and click the link on the left above the In the Pink box. I've got to be honest here, I'm not sure how much actual chatting I'll be doing b/c the biggest game of the year is on tonight. That's right, the Indianapolis Colts and the New England Patriots. Go, Peyton!!

Peace, (and good vibes to the Colts)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Is it Really Cheating?

If you read many author's blogs, then you probably know that November is NANOWRIMO (National Novel Writing Month). For some, it's a way to get the creative juices flowing by completing a new 50,000 word novel in a month. For others (like moi) it starts out that way, but soon becomes an exercise in futility. Why? you ask. Because I get bogged down in the technical aspect of writing; you know, pesky little things like plotting, grammar, spelling, etc. I just can't seem to let myself free-write. Yet, I continue to try. (With all due respect to Yoda, I'm somewhere between "do" and "do not").

So, don't be surprised if some of your favorite authors aren't spending a lot of time in chats, or forums, or e-mails. They're probably agonizing over their NANOWRIMO word counts while trying to become better at their craft.

I chose two ongoing projects to concentrate on during my NANO writing craze, they are both at around 4000 words right now. I don't want to start a new project until at least one of them is finished. So, is it really cheating to start with a day old manuscript on November 1st? I don't think so. I think I'd be cheating myself, and my readers, more if I were to start something new with these two projects weighing me down.

On another note, Samhain Publishing opened its cyber doors today. Books won't be available until January 3rd, but stop by and take a look around. www.samhainpublishing.com
