Monday, November 21, 2005

What happens at The Pink Banana

Stays at The Pink Banana.

Ha! Thought you were going to get all the juicy tidbits about the booksigning, did ya? Well, I've never been one to kiss and tell, but I can say that we had a great time and nobody went to jail.

No, really, nobody went to jail.

The Phaze authors who attended were absolutely wonderful ladies, and we had a blast with the very friendly staff of The Pink Banana (pun intended), and the myriad of customers who visited with us during the day. It was a very educational experience....

You may be hearing rumors about, oh all sorts of things, and I emphatically deny all of them now. (I'm really very shy and retiring, a true southern belle who swoons at the least little impropriety.)


1 comment:

Justin Kreutzmann said...

Plead the fifth after all good party incounters...

..paranormal romances included.