Tuesday, June 13, 2006

My New Cover!!!

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I'm so excited about my new cover!  Scott Carpenter did a great job and captured the tone of the story perfectly!  Lord Night will be available August 1st from Samhain Publishing.  In other news, I spent a wonderful weekend in Cincinatti at Lori Foster's and Diane Castell's Readers and Writers Get Together and had a total blast!  Diane and Lori and gracious and energetic hosts, and I met so many wonderful people, and got to catch up with some old friends.  I can't wait until next year. 

I've finally updated my website.  The Key, my serialized fiction is now live at www.jessieverino.com/thekey.html.  If you get a chance, go by and check it out, and if you're feeling adventurous, be sure to go to the blog and create your own installment (complete with choices for our heroine to make).  I hope to have some guest authors showing up soon to help our heroine on her journey.

I hope everyone has a safe and fun week!



Knoxville Romance Reader said...

Wow that is a great cover!!!!

Leigh Ellwood said...

Great cover!