Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Music Ramblings

While at RT, me and a few other people got caught up in a conversation about music--cheesy music. I usually have a soundtrack of sorts to match the mood of my story, but these songs will never make the soundtracks. Here's a list of cheesy songs that even if you do like them, you'll be too embarrassed to admit it.

Midnight at the Oasis (does anyone actually put a camel to bed?)
Afternoon Delight (the lyrics no one can understand are, "I always thought a fish could not be caught that didn't bite.")
On the Cover of the Rolling Stone (A gen-u-wine Indian guru)
Ode to Billy Joe (Pass the blackeyed peas)
Harper Valley PTA (Now, why is she using more ice?)
Chevy Van (Keep your eyes on the road, son and slow this vehicle down)

I have all of these, in one form or another, and probably dozens more that I blessedly don't remember. Otherwise, you might pass me in the hall one day and hear me humming, Billy Don't be a Hero.


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