Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday's Moments

I'm not much of a history buff. But every once in awhile I run across something interesting while doing research for a story, or just browsing the web.

For instance, I learned that today is the anniversary of the sale of the first ballpoint pen in America in 1945 at Gimbel's Department Store for $12.50. The marvel of the ballpoint pen shows up in a lot of time-travel fiction, and for the common man prior to 1945, it was pretty amazing.

However, did you know it was patented in 1888? Me either. In fact, the ballpoint pen went through several transformations and patents before the first "Rocket" was sold in the US.

Personally, I still like writing with a ballpoint pen. I like the feel of it in my hands, the movement of making words, the differences in my handwriting depending on my mood and what I'm writing. And my favorite pen?

The Bic Stic, now named the Bic Cristal - black ink, medium point.


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