Friday's Fiction - Ads
I've got to admit, some of the greatest works of fiction (fiction is by its nature, a lie) of our time are advertisements. On the internet alone, there are thousands of ads filling our e-mail boxes and our screens, all of them offering free stuff, or weight loss miracles, or better *performance*, or debt reduction, just to name a few.
And television ads aren't any better. I especially like the ads with 28 year old models who talk about looking old, while touting a product supposed to make you look younger.
Feel like a kid again.
You deserve a break, so eat out.
There's even one beer can that indicates when the beer is cold. Obviously, this is for people who wear gloves or who have lost feeling in their hands.
Or, the world as we know it will come to a screeching halt resulting in chaos if we choose to pay with cash or a check instead of a piece of plastic.
Remember a few years ago when the guy kept telling someone on the other end of his cell phone that he didn't do commercials? Yeah, and consumers still bought the phones, even though they knew the guy was lying, because, well it was a commercial.
And hey, I've never had a Viking ask me what's in my wallet.
Have a great weekend, Everyone!