Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday's Moments - Pencils & PopTarts

A few weeks ago, I blogged about the first patent on the ballpoint pen. I thought it only fair to give the pencil equal time. On November 19, 1895, Frederick E. Blaisdell of Philadelphia, PA patented what he termed a "paper pencil." It was a piece of lead wrapped in paper with a string for revealing more lead. It probably looked a lot like our modern day china markers.

Personally, I don't like pencils, or more accurately, the sound they make when I write with them. Even in school, I used my favorite Bic pen to solve mathematical equations. I use pens to work crossword and other puzzles. Occassionally, I have to use a pencil at work, but I keep it sharpened to a lethal point to cut down on the scratching sound it makes.

Also on this date, Kellogg's introduced a new pastry/breakfast food: the PopTart. I ate them for years, and still buy them every once in awhile. I'm really more of a traditionalist when it comes to PopTarts. I've seen flavors come and go, and I've never been tempted to try any of the *wacky* flavors, which I'm sure are more to entice children than adults. My favorite changes, too. At first, it was the frosted brown sugar cinnamon. Then, it was chocolate with the white stuff in the center. Then, I went for cherry. Then, blueberry.

I haven't been able to find out which is the most popular flavor, but I suspect it's frosted strawberry, my DH's favorite.

What's your favorite flavor?


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