Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Tuesday Tunes - Another Suitcase

One of my favorite musicals/poperas is Evita (The original Broadway Show). However, there is one song which I always skip when I'm listening to the soundtrack - Another Suitcase in Another Hall.

The song is absolutely wonderful and haunting in it's emotional depth. It's performed by Peron's mistress after Evita kicks the teenaged girl out.

So, I'm sure you're wondering why I skip the song.

Because it has absolutely nothing to do with the story line, and it feels more like an intermission.
A few minutes for the regular cast to rest their voices.

Authors do this, too. They'll add a scene, with or without the major characters, and it does nothing to further the story. It's a good scene, but it doesn't add any substance. And guess what? I skip over them, no matter how beautifully written. Most of the time, I feel like those scenes have been added for word count. If the pace needs to slow down a little, and sometimes it does in order for the reader to catch their breath, throwing in a scene which doesn't further the plot will do more than let me catch my breath. Nine times out of ten, it will get a bookmark. There's no driving force to induce me to turn the page, and when that happens, I can close the book.

Not good.

So, any time I'm tempted to write a scene which doesn't directly impact my plot, I pull out my CD of Evita and listen to Another Suitcase in Another Hall, and remind myself why those scenes will never work.


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