Monday, June 23, 2008

Secret Indulgence Contest

But not the kind you're thinking. Phaze Fantasies, Vol. VI, deals with the secret indulgence of BDSM and D/s. In most of the stories, the characters are experiencing these for the first time. Opening yourself up to, and enjoying, new experiences is a sub theme in the anthology. Right now, my blog reading tends to lean toward writing and reading, and I'm looking for some new blogs to read.

So, to win a copy of Phaze Fantasies, Vol. VI, comment with a link to the bizarre, the outlandish, the surreal blogs that you read. I'm not talking sexual here, but do you read the blog of a gardener who only grows carnivorous plants? Or how about a person who honestly believes they are from the future/another planet, etc. What I'm looking for are the blogs you read on a regular basis, but wouldn't dare admit to your friends that you read them. The person who sends me the quirky blog that catches my interest, and keeps it, will win a copy of Phaze Fantasies, Vol. VI.
On a side note, I was almost hit twice this morning -- at the same intersection. I was exiting the interstate and stopped at the light. Light turned green and I started to pull out. But, I never automatically go when the light turns green, and when I checked traffic, sure enough a lady with a child in the car heading southbound ran right through the light. Then a man in a truck heading northbound became so fascinated by the construction going on behind me, that he went right through the light. And then gave me the look, like what are you doing pulling out in front of me. (this was after the woman went through) And to top it all off, it's a camera light, so I'm sure in a few days, he'll figure out why I was pulling out.

Have a great week, everyone!

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