Friday, July 28, 2006

Offensive Smells

The sense of smell triggers more in our brains than the other four senses. (At least, I believe this, with the exception of possibly sound.) But, the problem with smells is that they linger. So, while the single rose on my desk is pleasant, the guy who just walked into our office reeking from an overabundance of Polo is offensive. And, the bad part is that the strong scent has stayed in our lobby, our hallway, and our conference room, and will probably stay for hours.

Why, oh why, do people feel the need to bathe in a perfectly good cologne, or aftershave, or perfume, when as the old slogan for Dippity Do goes, "A little dab'll do ya."

And for those of us with allergies...I shiver to think of the many times I've had to leave an event because my eyes swelled, and I couldn't stop sneezing when someone close to me liberally applied enough smelly stuff to make it impossible to breathe. This was especially embarrasing at a funeral.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good scent as much as the next person. However, I prefer my Chanel No. 5 in a light spray, not a gallon bucket.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Daisy Dexter Dobbs said...

Oh boy can I ever relate to this post! :-0 I was in a restaurant recently and the woman at the table behind me absolutely reeked of strong perfume. The smell lingered after she left and in no time I had one of those nasty sinus headaches and I’d lost my appetite. Now, I rarely get headaches, but I just about never pass up a chance to eat--LOL--so this was significant.

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier, Jessie!