Monday, December 05, 2005

An Early Christmas Gift!

I just got the news this morning that Lord Night won the Spicy category in SMRW's Sweet, Spicy, Spooky & Suspense Contest! I'm very excited about the win since this was the first contest I entered with it since I reworked the plot. Briana St. James from Ellora's Cave was the final round judge.

I know the holidays are cram-packed for everyone, but if you have a few minutes, the Phaze authors will be having their monthly chat tonight from 9:00 to 11:00 p.m., and another chat at Literary Nymphs on Wednesday night same time with lots of giveaways. To get to the Phaze chat, go to and click the chat link. To get to the Literary Nymphs chat go to

I'm gearing up for my first newsletter with the release of Spellbound and giving away some prizes for subscribers. If you want to subscribe to my newsletter, an announcement only Google group, visit Or, if you're not interested in the prizes, you'll be able to read it on my website, my blog, or the Phaze Forum about a week after it's published.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

It's Time for Coffee

Coffee Time Romance.

That's where I'll be tonight from 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. with fellow Phaze authors, Alessia Brio, Selah March, Leigh Ellwood, and M. Barnette.

Join us for the chat and be eligible for some great giveaways!


Monday, November 21, 2005

What happens at The Pink Banana

Stays at The Pink Banana.

Ha! Thought you were going to get all the juicy tidbits about the booksigning, did ya? Well, I've never been one to kiss and tell, but I can say that we had a great time and nobody went to jail.

No, really, nobody went to jail.

The Phaze authors who attended were absolutely wonderful ladies, and we had a blast with the very friendly staff of The Pink Banana (pun intended), and the myriad of customers who visited with us during the day. It was a very educational experience....

You may be hearing rumors about, oh all sorts of things, and I emphatically deny all of them now. (I'm really very shy and retiring, a true southern belle who swoons at the least little impropriety.)


Monday, November 14, 2005

Around the Corner

Can you believe it, Phaze's booksigning & minicon is this Saturday at The Pink Banana in Virginia Beach, VA. A total of 8 authors will be there from noon to 6:00 to sign books. I've had the pleasure of reading these ladies' works, and they are awesome! And remember, books make great Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers to help heat up those cold nights. Plus, part of the proceeds from the sales will go to breast cancer research. If you're in the area, please stop in and say hello.

I have a question for the readers: Do really long sentences pull you out of a story? I'm asking because I just wrote one, 45 words. It's about 5 manuscript lines. Usually, I try to break them up into two or more sentences, but I can't seem to be able to here. To my eyes, it flows well and really conveys the mood of the scene. Of course, I have been known to be partial to my own words. ;)

So, tell me what you think when you run across these long sentences in your reading.


Monday, November 07, 2005

My muse

Has been humoring me.

I'm not a fast writer. Part of the problem is being able to write like the way I wrote before I knew how to write. That pesky free-writing problem I mentioned earlier. Another part of it is that I'm anal-retentive. If I can't think of the word I want right away, I simply cannot continue until I find the exact one. I trudge, and it isn't pretty.

But, this weekend, my fickle muse decided to grace me with her presence for more than five words. Of course, it's not been on the story I want to submit next. Oh, no. It's been on my romantic suspense. Now, I have gotten some work done on LN, but not near enough to be able to submit before the end of the year. Do you hear that, Muse? Lord Night. I want to finish the changes in Lord Night.

I'll be chatting at Phaze tonight. It takes place at 9:00 p.m. est. Go to and click the link on the left above the In the Pink box. I've got to be honest here, I'm not sure how much actual chatting I'll be doing b/c the biggest game of the year is on tonight. That's right, the Indianapolis Colts and the New England Patriots. Go, Peyton!!

Peace, (and good vibes to the Colts)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Is it Really Cheating?

If you read many author's blogs, then you probably know that November is NANOWRIMO (National Novel Writing Month). For some, it's a way to get the creative juices flowing by completing a new 50,000 word novel in a month. For others (like moi) it starts out that way, but soon becomes an exercise in futility. Why? you ask. Because I get bogged down in the technical aspect of writing; you know, pesky little things like plotting, grammar, spelling, etc. I just can't seem to let myself free-write. Yet, I continue to try. (With all due respect to Yoda, I'm somewhere between "do" and "do not").

So, don't be surprised if some of your favorite authors aren't spending a lot of time in chats, or forums, or e-mails. They're probably agonizing over their NANOWRIMO word counts while trying to become better at their craft.

I chose two ongoing projects to concentrate on during my NANO writing craze, they are both at around 4000 words right now. I don't want to start a new project until at least one of them is finished. So, is it really cheating to start with a day old manuscript on November 1st? I don't think so. I think I'd be cheating myself, and my readers, more if I were to start something new with these two projects weighing me down.

On another note, Samhain Publishing opened its cyber doors today. Books won't be available until January 3rd, but stop by and take a look around.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

My Horrible Memory

Well, I knew it would happen. I was sooo tired when I returned home from the Expo, and still so overwhelmed by all of the nice, wonderful people I had met over the weekend, that I forgot one group. The staff and volunteers of the Kingsport Times News couldn't have been any nicer or more accomodating. We were privileged to have some of them attend the dinner, and of course they worked extremely hard during the event to make everything as smooth as possible for us. Without them, the event would not have been possible.

Monday, October 24, 2005

2005 Women's Expo

The 2005 Women's Expo in Kingsport, TN was an absolutely wonderful weekend! I finally had the chance to meet Lora Leigh, and it was like getting together with an old friend. And of course, I did get together with an old friend, Sally Painter. Both of these ladies are great! I'm going to need some serious reading time to get snuggly with their books!

The other authors who attended were also great. Heather Graham is an angel. She purchased all the stock our bookseller had of Ghost Walk and gave them away for donations toward hurricane relief -- all while her own home was being threatened by hurricane Wilma. She was a first class example of what every writer should strive to be with their success.

I think they estimated that there were somewhere between 6000-7000 people at the Expo, and we got to meet a majority of them who stopped by our booth to check out the books and chat. It was such a pleasure to get to talk to so many readers about the books they like to read and their favorite authors, and to share the growth and evolution of the romance novel with many who hadn't read one on years. Several readers were surprised by the selection of genres within the romance market, such as the romantic suspense, comedies and erotica.

I shouldn't end this before I mention the other attending authors, they were such gracious guests and nice ladies. They deserve our appreciation. Rita Herron, Jennifer St. Giles, Debra Webb, Laura Marie Altom, Winnie Griggs, Robyn DeHart, Susan Crandall, Carolynn Carey, Donna Wright, Kate McKeever, Erin Katz & Trista Ann Michaels.

Last, but certainly not least, was all the hard work the Knoxville Area Romance Readers Group, headed by the fantastic Christy Haynes, put into this event. Thanks for everything you did for us this weekend.

Also, Waldenbooks were wonderful to work with and keep the bookselling end running smoothly for the authors.

It was a great weekend, and I'm already planning for and looking forward to next year.


Monday, October 10, 2005


Well, [i]Spellbound[/i] is out the door and on my editor's desk. Probably one of the most nail-biting things I've done in a while. Definitely worse than my last job interview.

I've totally redone my website, set up a newsletter group at Google, and am going nuts trying to get everything ready for the Meet the Authors Dinner and Expo. I've also got a trip to Alabama planned for this weekend. Oh, and in my other life, the one where I sit behind a desk and work as a legal assistant, it's going to slam me this week. But do I have time for all of this? No, of course not. I've got at least two other projects I want to finish before the end of the year, and I've got to start on the Raineri anthology at some point. Oh, and I'm sure the edits for Spellbound will fall somewhere in the middle of all the chaos.

Thank goodness for my puppy. He reminds me that life should be simple, and that play time and lazy time are perfectly acceptable.


Thursday, October 06, 2005

Finally Finished

Spellbound is finally finished, and after a quick beta read, will be on it's way to my editor. I'm very excited about the next steps in the process. The edits, the cover art, actually seeing my name on the cover. I'm sure in time, I'll probably learn to hate it as much as the multi published authors, but for right now, I'm drinking it all in while it lasts. I'm only giving myself a few days to take a break, do some more work on the website, and then I'm hitting the keyboard again to finish Lord Night and another unnamed project I have brewing.

I'm also getting ready for the Dinner/Expo on October 21-23. I'm making baskets and other goodies to give away. I can't wait to meet with so many readers!

I'll be sure to let everyone know when the novella will be available.


Sunday, September 18, 2005


Got my website updated. I really like the new look, but there are a few pages that still need some tweeking. Check it out and let me know what you think.

This week has been hectic. It seems like I haven't been able to take a breath since Monday morning. However, I was in some fantastic chats (The All Phaze Chat, A Loose-ID chat, and Mae's Saturday Night Party Chat), and was able to meet and talk with lots of fellow authors and readers.

We received some wonderful news this week regarding the Dinner/Women's Expo. New York Times bestselling author Heather Graham will be attending. For more information, visit If you want to attend the dinner, you'll need to download the form and get it in, as seats are going fast.


Sunday, September 11, 2005

Another Weekend Gone

They never last as long as they should.

Here's a salute in memorium of 9/11.

I had a great weekend! I was privileged to meet with the wonderful ladies of the Knoxville Area Romance Readers on Saturday, and we had a great time talking books & romance. If you're interested in joining them, contact Christy Haynes at She'd be happy to talk books with you.

If you're interested in attending the Meet the Authors/Readers Appreciation Dinner at the Meadowview in Kingsport, TN on October 21st, you need to send in your registration. I spoke with Sharon Robinson, the coordinator, and slots are going fast. More info and registration forms can be found at Sally Painter is also attending and is very excited about the dinner and expo. She was chatting at Maejical Powers Saturday night, and everyone who attended had a great time, as well as some great excerpts.

This is my favorite weekend of the year. Why? Because pro football officially started today!! And well, aside from the excitement, the action, the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat (am I showing my age here?), there's all those really buff guys in tight uniforms. YUM! My favorite team? The Indianapolis Colts. Peyton Manning is awesome, and a real hero. Then, there's Edge & Harrison & Stokely. 'Nuff said.

I got a new puppy this weekend! He's soooo cute. He's a Shih Tzu, white with black markings and a black mask. I hope to be able to upload some pics to my website later this week. I've got to work on my photography skills. ;)


Monday, September 05, 2005

Labor Day

I hope everyone had a safe, fun Labor Day!

I had a fantastic weekend. For the first time this summer, I was able to take the motorcycle out. I had two nice, quiet rides, which suited me fine since I haven't ridden in over 10 months. But hopefully, I'll get more rides in through the fall. I ride a teal & silver Suzuki Volusia, not a Harley yet, but trying to save up for one. If you see me out, stop and say hi.

I even managed to get some writing done this weekend. I need a few more days just to get my website updated, giveaways ready for the Women's Expo in Kingsport, TN on Oct. 22 and the signing/mini-con at the Pink Banana on Nov. 19. I'm getting really excited about being able to meet with so many readers and fellow authors!

Life is good!


Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Exciting News!

Before I share my news, I'd like to take a moment to say that my thoughts and prayers go to those who were in the path of Hurricane Katrina. I have visited many of the beautiful cities affected by the storm, met the people who live and work in them, and I feel your losses as if they were my own. And I have cried -- with you and for you. May God watch over you during this horrible time and give you peace and comfort.

Well, I can make the official announcement today, and although I promised this would be the first place I posted, I have to be honest and tell you that I told my fellow Phazettes in the Phaze Starlight Lounge ( first.

Anyway, Lord Night, my erotic sci-fantasy finaled in SMRW's Sweet, Spicy, Spooky & Suspense Contest!! If you want to read a small teaser, there's an excerpt on my website at

And, speaking of forums, SMRW has a new community forum starting at It's still in its infant stages, but there are some good informational topics for readers, such as events, booksignings, author contests, etc. The authors range from the very sweet (think Avalon) to the very erotic (think Phaze, Ellora's Cave, Liquid Silver), and everything in between.

If you're more into the very erotic, be sure to check out the Starlight Lounge. It's also a community where authors and readers can get together and discuss all sorts of interesting subjects within the erotica industry.

If you're interested in meeting authors, authors, and more authors, visit The ladies who run this site are terrific!! Aside from the forum, where they discuss everything from books to television to movies, they have lots of reviews, articles, free stories, giveaways, contests, and a lot of other interesting stuff for readers.

The writing has picked up a little, and I'm making some good progress. I'd like to get a huge chunk before the upcoming holiday weekend so I can take the motorcycle out and play.

Have a great day!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Meet the Authors Dinner and Women's Expo

Well, we're all set for for the Meet the Authors Dinner and Women's Today Expo October 21-23 in Kingsport, TN. There will be lots of friendly authors around who love meeting with readers (and other authors), and prizes will be given. Plus, if you've never been to a Women's Expo, they are wonderful!! For more information go to

And, speaking of forums, my publisher, has "built" the Starlight lounge. An interactive community of authors and readers. Check it out at

On November 19th, I will join several of my fellow Phazettes for a booksigning and mini-con in Virginia Beach, VA at The Pink Banana. For more information check out or

As for the writing, well it's slow. My day job has picked up and drastically cut into my writing time. Still, I'm accomplishing something every day, so I'm not too bummed.

I've got some exciting news with my writing to share, but since it's not official yet, I can't blab. As soon as I get the go ahead, this will be the first place I post.


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Breathing Under Water

Night, Blood & Prophecy
I read somewhere that scientist are experimenting to develop ways in which humans can breath under water. Honey, those of us living in the South have been doing it since birth! Don't believe me? Visit the South during the months of July and August when the temperatures are consistently in the 90's and the humidity is 85% or so. It's like living in a steam room.
Of course, I'm not complaining. I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. Sizzling temperatures, secluded cold mountain springs and clear night skies provide a lot my creative inspiration. (The clear night skies from my love of science fiction tv. Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Gallactica, Star Trek, etc.)
If you found my blog and haven't visited my website, please take a look. Right now, I'm still working on getting everything up and running, but I did manage to post an excerpt from my erotic novella Lord Night. Good, bad, or indiffernt, let me know what you think. Hopefully, this weekend I'll be able to add some more content, including some more excerpts, links to other authors' sites, and reviews.
Peace, Jessie

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Friday NIght Excitement


I attended a *party* last night at Maejical Powers, the yahoo group of the very talented Mae-Ann Powers. Megan Hussey of the Playgirl Posse, Playgirl TV was the guest speaker. She is a wonderful lady.

Two major announcements were made last night. One is that Playgirl will be printing an article by Megan on the Phaze authors in December. Be sure to keep an eye out. The second is a proposed anthology featuring Megan and Mae, and through sheer, dumb luck, yours truly was invited to fill a slot in the anthology! (I don't ever question dumb luck, I just flow with it.) I'll keep you posted as the anthology comes together.

On a more subdued note, one of the motorcycles may be sold. Unfortunately, there's just not enough time to ride. But, I'm trying to put a positive spin on it. I'm hoping that by next summer, I'll be able to get the Harley.

Have a nice weekend!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Word Counts

Night, Blood & Prophecy
Why do writers do it? Keep track of every little word they've written? It becomes obsessive, like weighing yourself every morning when you're trying to diet, and just as discouraging. Especially if you're suffering from the dreaded Writer's Block. (Stacey, if you're reading this, I'm only joking.)
So, you write something, anything, to try to get the creative juices flowing again, or you read really bad books and hope the muse inside you gets disgusted enough to make you want to write something better.
Or, you blog....