Monday, November 07, 2005

My muse

Has been humoring me.

I'm not a fast writer. Part of the problem is being able to write like the way I wrote before I knew how to write. That pesky free-writing problem I mentioned earlier. Another part of it is that I'm anal-retentive. If I can't think of the word I want right away, I simply cannot continue until I find the exact one. I trudge, and it isn't pretty.

But, this weekend, my fickle muse decided to grace me with her presence for more than five words. Of course, it's not been on the story I want to submit next. Oh, no. It's been on my romantic suspense. Now, I have gotten some work done on LN, but not near enough to be able to submit before the end of the year. Do you hear that, Muse? Lord Night. I want to finish the changes in Lord Night.

I'll be chatting at Phaze tonight. It takes place at 9:00 p.m. est. Go to and click the link on the left above the In the Pink box. I've got to be honest here, I'm not sure how much actual chatting I'll be doing b/c the biggest game of the year is on tonight. That's right, the Indianapolis Colts and the New England Patriots. Go, Peyton!!

Peace, (and good vibes to the Colts)

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