Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

I have so much to be thankful for. My faith, my family, my friends, my co-workers, my health, my readers who make the whole writing journey worthwhile, and the writers whose work I enjoy.

There's so much love and support surrounding me, I feel totally awed. I may have some disappointments in my life, like the Colts losing, but I'm thankful to be able to watch them play. I may get totally stressed at work sometimes, but I'm grateful to have a job. I may be a little overweight, but I'm thankful I have food, and I'm very thankful the cyst removed earlier this year wasn't cancerous.

I'm thankful my father and my sister are still with us after fighting their own battles with cancer.

I'm thankful for my mother, and the grace, hope, and steadfast faith she's shown in the midst of her own pain.

I'm thankful for my son and what a wonderful young man he's grown into. I'm thankful for my lovely daughter-in-law who's strong and courageous and can find laughter and joy through adversity. I'm thankful for my grandkids and the life they bring to the party.

And, I'm thankful for my husband whose love, support, and understanding make my life complete. Love you Honey!

I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving, and lots to be thankful for.


1 comment:

Deborah Brent said...

I'm thankful to be here too.

Love, Sis