Friday, February 16, 2007

Cold Temps & Salmonella

I don't eat a lot of peanut butter, but about two weeks ago, I bought a jar (low fat Peter Pan) to keep in my office. Working 9-10 hours a day, I felt the little protein boost in the afternoon would help. Uh-huh. Just my luck, the jar I bought is one in the infected recall. I haven't had severe symptoms, except for last Sunday, but I have eaten at least a tablespoon of peanut butter almost every day for the past two weeks. I'm sending the lid back and getting a refund. But what's really scary is I've been delivering dinner to Mom & Dad a couple of nights a week. I haven't handled their food, only the packaging, and I do wash my hands, but we spend almost every minute in their kitchen when I'm there. Thank goodness I haven't handle any of Dad's insulin or needles. I've got to make some phone calls.

To all those buried under snow, I hope you have power and water, and please stay safe. It's cold here (downright frigid for the South - lows in the teens), and I'm ready for spring. The weather people are predicting snow for us tomorrow. Saturday, which figures. No snow day from work.

Dad goes Monday to have the port inserted for his chemo. It'll be an all day thing, and I'm sure it will wear him out. He's now almost bald from the radiation treatments he received and still very tired.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.


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