Friday, December 07, 2007

Finally Friday

Whew! What a week it's been.

I could go into the million and one things that have gone wrong, or lopsided, this week, but why bother? It's finally Friday, and I can go home and write.

Tomorrow is SMRW's annual Christmas Party & Booksigning. We'll all be at Barnes & Noble on Kingston Pike between 2 & 5 signing books and giving stuff away.

Tomorrow night, the gkids are coming over to help us put up the tree and decorate the house for Christmas, maybe bake some cookies, drink some hot chocolate, etc. I'll be worn out.

Sunday, I'm looking forward to a big, southern breakfast. That's eggs, biscuits, gravy, fried potatoes, bacon, pancakes, and occassionally, grits. I like cheese grits. Then, settling down in front of the television to watch a little football, while reading over one of my manuscripts for revisions. But when 8:15 p.m. rolls around, it's all Indy.

I think Monday morning is gonna come way too soon.

Have a great weekend, Everyone!

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