Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Wednesday W(h)ines - Christmas Trees

I love Christmas Trees. The lights, the ornaments, the tree skirts, the crisp, clean scent of winter and the holidays.

And I'm horribly allergic to them.

I don't complain about being allergic to feathers (as in down jackets, comforters, pillows, etc.), because I can stay warm in any number of coats and sweaters, and sleep comfortably on any number of pillows.

I don't complain about the various animals I'm allergic to, even though I don't get to pet them as often as I'd like, and there are some breeds which don't affect me at all.

I don't complain about being allergic to household dust, because hey, it means my hubby gets that job, as well as mowing the grass due to all the stuff I'm allergic to outside.

But, it's just not fair to be allergic to Christmas trees. And if I go to a friend's house, or a party, etc., I have to ask if they have a live tree before I go (which just seems rude), or I suffer the reaction, because after only a few minutes, it's too late to take any kind of medication. The damage is already done. Even if I take something, it's usually a good two hours or so before the effects wear off. Meanwhile, my eyes look like I've been on a 3-day drunk, I'm sneezing every few seconds, and I can't breathe very well.

With some of the newer 12 hour and 24 hour allergy medications, I could probably tolerate Christmas trees, but those medications dry me out to the point where I'm as just as uncomfortable.

So, for now, I'll stick with my artificial tree. It's pretty, but it just isn't the same.


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