Thursday, December 06, 2007

Thursday Thesaurus - Lachrymose Over Synonyms

Synonym: n.

My Handy Dandy Thesaurus suggests: Well, actually it doesn't suggest anything. However, it is included in the entries for description and equivalence.

We learned the definition of synonym in elementary school - two words which have the same meaning, or somewhat the same meaning.

As authors, we sometimes want a new word for walk, or said. Usually, because we've used walk or said a hundred times in our current manuscript, and if we're tired of using it, the reader will most likely be tired of reading it. Won't they?

Maybe. Maybe not. I won't go into that here. What I want to discuss is the author who uses the obscure word found in her thesaurus for tearful -- lachrymose. If I had read lachrymose in a book (prior to today), I would've had to look up the meaning, or try to glean it from the surrounding prose.

My first thought when encountering a $5 word is not, "Oh my, what a wonderful vocabulary this author has. He/she must be brilliant!" No, it's more like, "Did you realize the word lachrymose would pull me right out of your story and send me to my dictionary?"

In other words, I'd rather read the dictionary than stay in the world you created.

I suppose it's better than someone who'd rather read the incredients on the cereal box than your story, but only marginally so.

And after I close the book, will I pick it up again? I might, because I leave very few books unread once I start them. But it will probably go in the giveaway box.


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