Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone! I'm Taking a break from my usual thesaurus and looking forward to a great day spent with my family. I'm thankful for God and everything he's given me, including a healthy new grandbaby! So, before I get to any serious cooking, here's 13 things I'll do today (aside from cooking & eating).

1. Clean the bathroom.
2. Dry the Laundry
3. Argue with Hubby.
4. Send Him to the Store.
5. Watch Lots of Footbal.
6. Visit my new grandson at the hospital.
7. Take Pictures.
8. Hunt for the Rook Cards.
9. Play Rook
10. Play the Wii
11. Check my E-mail.
12. Write & work on revisions.
13. Read.


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